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Your opinions and thoughts are much more important than what others think about you, your appearance and your life. |
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Basically don't be a jackass or a douche to others if you don't want to be treated the same. |
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Nothing is more important than giving 100% into everything you do: work, school, relationships, friendships etc |
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Learn to love yourself, because hey, no one can love you truly before you start to love and appreciate yourself |
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Don't think about the moneymoneymoney, ahaha, think about what makes you happy. Follow your dreams, as big or as small they may be, they'll eventually come true if you're truly passionate about it |
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What makes you happy? Do more of it. (haha I basically paraphrased the quote) |
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You might have failed that last time, but instead of moping and crying about it make sure you do better and kick ass the next time! |
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Education. Sometimes you need to stop whining and procrastinating, just get on with the work and get it done. |
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Worrying too much leads to stress and potential harm, Don't do that to yourself. Instead of worrying, do something more productive that would help the situation. |
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Life is unfair, shitty things happen but guess what.. they pass! If something bad happens don't mope about it, get on with your life and carry on! |
These are some of the picture quotes I had on my phone during my two years in College; some are quite harsh and some are probably ones you've heard before. Nevertheless, I want to let you guys know that those who are going to start College soon or are currently having a difficult time in College, I'm here to help you all!
Before College, I was a very timid and shy person, I wasn't one to stand up for myself or the one to most likely be involved in the fight you heard about after school. I was very nice (well I like to still think I am ahaha) and extremely hardworking. Wow.. how it all changed after leaving Secondary School and starting College. I've learnt so many things whilst in College; in
(REMEMBER! What I say of course isn't representative of ALL Colleges in the UK; I went to a Sixth Form, but these are generalizations of what my friends, other people I know and I have experienced in College.)
#College is a new environment and completely different to Secondary School. You're NOT going to be spoon-fed by the 'teachers;' although they're called your teachers, you're going to be expected to call them by their first names (it's weird.. I personally didn't like it, calling them by their first names made it seem like we were buddies or something :| ) There are going to be some teachers that are going to care like it's their life about you, your attendance and your punctuality. On the other hand, there are going to be others that don't give a shit about whether you attend class, if you're late or if you bunk. Let me tell you people! Majority of my teachers were the latter and of course being a 100% hardworking and punctual student in the past, all of a sudden having teachers not telling you what to do as much and basically giving you the freedom to do whatever you want affected me real bad. You could easily bunk and practically just hang around the place with all your mates chillaxing without a care in the world. The teachers are hardly ever around to catch you, they're too busy with their own lives and the students that actually do attend their lessons. #TIP 1 - Please don't bunk, it's not worth it. It's hard to believe coming from a person who bunked A LOT! (Especially in the first year, but it calmed down in the second year) But during those days or hours I bunked, I did.. NOTHING, NA-DA! Rather than spending those hours like you should be, learning and basically what your parents thought you were doing, all those hours turned out to be you just hanging around the cafeteria playing rounds of Blackjack because you 'couldn't be bothered' to go to class that day. Is it worth it?! It sure does sound very stupid now that I recall and write it out.
#What is your main objective in College? Is it to make friends? Or is it to go to your lessons, learn and get the grades that you need? Or is it both? I learnt a BIG lesson in College.. okay maybe this is a bit bias especially since it's coming from my experience but honestly, 2 years?! Is that enough for you to make long lasting friendships? Or friends you're sure will be bothered to text and keep in contact with you after the 2 years are up, except that rare chat that happens once every 6 months about what you're doing in life? Unless of course you were friends beforehand or you guys are going to the same University. BUT that is not the point. #TIP 2 - I want you to constantly think about what is more important, your friends/social life in College or your learning; basically the main reason why you're in College in the first place. Okay I get it, it's important to make friends and all that business, BUT it's not when it's affecting your learning, it's not when they're the ones making you bunk and skip lessons and finally..
..it's not when at the end of the day the one in trouble is YOU!
You need to learn how and when to say 'no' to your friends, learn how to organize your time for your friends and for your learning. You need to keep focus and remind yourself constantly that after these two years are up, which is more important to you, your friends or your grades? I'm not suggesting to you to break all friendships or make no friends at all, but just to realize and notice when you're going off track from work because of your social life in College.
#Picking your College/Sixth Form Subjects. Wow.. past College Graduates really don't lie when they say to pick subjects you enjoy.. and of course being naive and a bit too confident in myself I selected some hardcore subjects instead. ><" Well, tbh I thought I'd enjoy them and I'd be able to pass them with flying colors! Oh how wrong was I?! #TIP 3 - I mean this, like genuinely from the bottom of my heart ask of you to REALLY think about what you truly enjoy, and then select the subjects closest to your interests. Don't pick subjects based on what your parents want because at the end of the day, you're going to be doing those subjects - it's your life so you should have the final say. Loads of people who finish College always say that if they had pick this or that subject they liked instead of the subject they initially picked, they would of been able to easily achieve an A or B. It's pointless and a bit late for all that don't you think? Learn from my mistakes and other College grads, pick the subjects you would enjoy thus will work hard in, not subjects you kinda like or were pressured into because trust me, you won't be as hard working and dedicated.
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL TIPS FOR IN COLLEGE, IN LIFE! 'Fuck what they think' - Firstly I apologies for swearing but never mind that! My lovely friends, we live in a sad and cruel world, (I'm sure you already knew that but wahey!) we're easily judged and criticized by others, we're pressured into looking and acting a certain way and life just sucks for us girls and boys, because of how the Media depicts the perfect Male/Female. Now.. what I mean by 'Fuck what they think' is exactly what it says..
Who cares?! Really, the amount of cares we give and allow ourselves to give to other people is not right. Especially when they're people who have no relation to you whatsoever! They're not your family, your friends, or even your friend's friend! They're strangers, which equals people who have no right or the audacity to say ANYTHING about your face, weight, style, hair, life etc. Who are they anyway?! Even if they are a blood relation, a friend, a teacher, the granny that lives on your road or someone you've said Hi a few times at School, if they say something that makes you upset or makes you feel worthless as a person, you should slap that person ( I don't condone violence :D ) - tell them that nothing in this world is more ugly than a person with an ugly heart and run off dramatically. Hahahaha xD okayokay I was joking about telling them the ugly heart bit. xD
I want you all to know that, this is cheesy I know but it has to be done! YOU'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL! Yeah, you might not be the World's Top Model or the next G-Dragon (my husband ;P) BUT like I love to say, 'Who cares?!' Trust me, the more you think about what others think, the more unhappy and sad you become as a person; you're never going to live a happy life! You should live your life the way that you want! I'm certain that if a close friend had said to you that they overheard someone commenting that the dress they wore was ugly, what would you say back to them? 'Oh you should totes listen to them because they know what's in fashion and what other people think is always right'? Or 'Pshhhh who cares what they think, they're just jealous because they can't rock it like you can, don't listen to them, they're not worth your time!' I'm confident in the answer you've chosen, so if the advice you gave your friend was the second option.. then maybe you should start listening to your own advice too and act upon them. But if it was #1 then go away we don't want ugly-hearted people like you here.
So, that's all I have to say! Was it an interesting post? hahaha, I shall leave you guys now ...
But remember! You're all awesome and don't go impressing anyone unless they're worthy and actually appreciative of your time, efforts and total ahmazing-ness!
Goodbye! x
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