I promise in these posts, I'll try to keep them as short as possible. (Y)
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Song/Video of the Month JUNE 2013
Hey guys, I wanted to create this new segment on my blog where I would show you guys either a video or song of any kind that I recommend to you all to watch/listen. Hopefully I remember to do these every month. What inspired me to create this segment was by this video by Hopsin, from Hopsintv on Youtube. It may be from last year and considered old, but this video has over 28 million views, 'dayummmm son' & it's still going strong ! He raps about particular subjects that affect the youth of today. His flow is sick and you just can't help but bop your head to the beat. Just watch it and make sure you listen to the lyrics, they're deep and meaningful and everyone can relate to it somehow, or you can listen to it and just understand his point that he's trying to put across. Warning: He does use swear words, like a lot. xD
I promise in these posts, I'll try to keep them as short as possible. (Y)
I promise in these posts, I'll try to keep them as short as possible. (Y)
What's In My Bag?! Edition #1
Howdy Y'all!!! I'm coming here from London, England to report to you all on the weather today.......
IT'S TOOOO HOT!!! Ahhhhhh~ 'I'm meltingggggggg' :'(
I guess it's here, it's finally summer time!~ It's 25 Degrees Celsius at the moment & phwaorrrrrrr it's the highest we've had this year! Bring on the suntan lotion and bootie shorts! ;P
I get it.. some of you guys might be saying 'Pshhh 25 Degrees Celsius?! That's nothing compared to blah and blah here (wherever you guys live).' 25 Degrees Celsius may not be considered 'hot' to some of you but over here where it's constantly raining cat and dogs,
IT'S HOTHOTHOT! Like super-duper hot.
Anywhoo~ there I go again going off track but I thought it would be nice to let you in about the weather here in England, although it's boiling, it is no doubt certainly beautiful! :)
Lillian the Weatherlady: 'Update on the weather is over, now it's back to Lillian the blogger in the studio...'
Today's post is going to be a 'What the hell is in your bag Lillian?! Tag.' I thought it'd be fun as I've seen plenty floating around here on blogs and of course on YouTube, sooooo I'm jumping on the band wagon and following the crowd by doing one here on my blog. :D Also because I know you're all secretly nosy buggers whom are dead curious about what stuff other people carry in their bags. (haha I don't blame ya, I'm exactly the same :P)
I'm usually a big bag type of gal.. hahaha had to do a double take on that cuz I thought I had wrote bin bag. xD But yeah, I usually prefer much bigger bags as I like to carry my whole life with me everywhere I go. But since it's summer and I no longer have to go College, there's actually no reason for me to use a big bag since I don't have to carry tonnes of books and some of the things I carry are just unnecessary. So, the bag I now use is perfect! It's tiny and it has GAJJILION pockets, wow, it has like 5 pockets or something and the bag inside is sectioned also. So much room for me to put my stuff in! Yeah! ;P
My bag is nothing designer but it's definitely snazzy and cool. Why? Firstly it's super cool looking as it's vintage. Secondly, it was given to me from my mummy, therefore it's not only ah-mazing looking but it's extra special because it holds some sentimental value to me.
Before I get into the nitty gritty of the contents of what's in my bag, there are of course a few items that are usually inside my bag but since I'm at home, they're not in their usual living space. From the above image you can see what they are.
1. Bottle of water: Well, you can probably see that my bag is too tiny to carry a bottle of water, but I still like to carry a bottle of water when I do go out with my friends, I just end up putting it in one of their bags, haha xD Gotta keep hydrated wherever you go, whatever the cost! (Y)
2. Earphones: I literally cannot, CANNOT survive any journey without having my earphones plugged into my ears listening to some sort of music. I just hate listening to other people talk or breath near me when I'm walking down the street or travelling on public transport. (you can see how antisocial I am) Well, unless your my bud then yeahh I'm all up for a good chinwag and gossip about blah and blah. xD
3. My phone: Of course I'd have my phone with me! How would I listen to music? Text/Whatsapp my friends?! Call my friends?!?! Write down my notes and reminders?! HOW,HOW,HOW?! Those are four really good justifications in my opinion. Oh yeah, and to take pictures on the go for my blog!! Gasp how could I forget that?! x)
I forgot to include my oyster as well!!!! I can't find it atm which really sucks, without it I literally can't go anywhere honestly.. might as well just stay at home and watch some Running man & play games :D
Btw everything I'm showing here is 100% real. I know I have some random shit in my bag :| but that's some life ey! :D All right, Leggo!
4. My College Lanyard (excluding the card): You guys already know I've left College since I finished after my last exam. We were expected to give back our cards b'cuz you know they actually think we're gonna be bothered to go back in there and Iuno, maybe decide to trash and burn down the place which tbh isn't a bad idea. xD Hahaha but yeah, I still wanted to keep my lanyard for thememories of college uuber cool sticker I have on it which says 'original assassin' haha.
5. My purse: I love this purse! Once again it's vintage, and no, it wasn't given to me from my mummy, I had purchased it from Rokit in Central. It was only £3!! I could not pass that up! I love the navy blue, it's one of my favorite colors and it's made of a nice leather material, not sure if it's real or fake though~ It carries my ££££, my cards and a hand puppet called 'Hermeenooz/Hernandes Andeles Andeles Gonzalez' that my friend and I had made when we were in the Library, we were bored from studying. Don't judge us, boredom hit us hard, hahaha. xD
6. Pencil, pen, calculator & ruler: I've said this a million of times, I apologies, but yeah these were the equipment I took with me for my last exam. Nothing interesting, NEXT!
7. A receipt & tissue (basically rubbish): I like to keep my receipts not to check how much I've spent... but for those times when there isn't a bin anywhere around and I need to spit out my gum. LMAO! It's not funny.. haha but yeah. I got tissue b'cuz it just makes life easier.. lool tissues are a bag staple.. nuff said.
8. A bag of Almonds: These come in handy whenever I'm out and about and I'm feeling a little peckish and need something to hold me until I get home.They're a bit dry but they're quite tasty! I never finish them all in one sitting, more like a little handful as it's not great for you to eat too much nuts. LMAO. No dirry thoughts guys haha xD
9. Vaseline: This is like a little pot of goodness. It's great for many things, dry skin, lips, hands, elbows etc etc. I have one living in my bag and another one living in my room. It's not the bomb.com for lips since it's quite oily in texture, but I usually just take this wherever I go and use Carmex when I'm at home.
10. Pack of tissues: LMAO more tissue!!! I love my tissues lool xD Uhm, nothing else much to say really, they come in really handy in everyday life! Go get some! ;P
11. Garnier hand cream: This hand cream was given to me from a friend, she's always complaining I don't use enough hand cream but nowadays, I've been using loads! Did you know that your hands are the first signs of aging?! That scared me to death so now I've been loading on the hand creams and it gets annoying sometimes because you can't write after a while, too slippery. >< I do recommend this one though, it feels lovely and smells yummy!
12. More rubbish: Got a random piece of paper and a chocolate bar wrapper. It was either that there was no bin around for me to throw my rubbish, or I was too lazy and couldn't be bothered to go to the bin so just stuffed the rubbish in my bag, I'm guessing it was most likely the latter. xP
13. My keys: I have my home keys along with two key chains, I have a teddy one which was originally from one of my other bags I purchased when I was in China, the other key ring has my name on it that I had got during a Geography trip back in Secondary school.
14. Mirror and comb: I always seems to have mascara or eyeliner smudges across my face at random times and no one seems to tell me when I do! Checking my face regularly has become a habit especially when I have eye makeup on. Also when I have any type of lip product on too. The comb is my chosen form of weaponry for when I do come across a mugger... -.- I'm being sarcastic I hoped you could tell?! Of course I use it to comb or tease my hair on the go.
15. Photos: I just printed these out recently, they're photos of either memories of a particular event or pictures of some friends and I together; no one prints out pictures these days and you're hardly ever going to be bothered to look through pictures on the computer, so, I thought I'd print some of my favorites and stick them on my wall!
I hope you guys enjoyed my rendition of the 'What's in my bag' Tag! Hahaha this is actually quite nostalgic, it reminds me of my time back in Primary school. You would bring an item from home to bring to school and then you would do a little show & tell presentation to your whole class, talking about how awesome your item was. This is the same really but more uhm... different too... anywho~ until next time, See you later! x
IT'S TOOOO HOT!!! Ahhhhhh~ 'I'm meltingggggggg' :'(
I guess it's here, it's finally summer time!~ It's 25 Degrees Celsius at the moment & phwaorrrrrrr it's the highest we've had this year! Bring on the suntan lotion and bootie shorts! ;P
I get it.. some of you guys might be saying 'Pshhh 25 Degrees Celsius?! That's nothing compared to blah and blah here (wherever you guys live).' 25 Degrees Celsius may not be considered 'hot' to some of you but over here where it's constantly raining cat and dogs,
IT'S HOTHOTHOT! Like super-duper hot.
Anywhoo~ there I go again going off track but I thought it would be nice to let you in about the weather here in England, although it's boiling, it is no doubt certainly beautiful! :)
Lillian the Weatherlady: 'Update on the weather is over, now it's back to Lillian the blogger in the studio...'
Today's post is going to be a 'What the hell is in your bag Lillian?! Tag.' I thought it'd be fun as I've seen plenty floating around here on blogs and of course on YouTube, sooooo I'm jumping on the band wagon and following the crowd by doing one here on my blog. :D Also because I know you're all secretly nosy buggers whom are dead curious about what stuff other people carry in their bags. (haha I don't blame ya, I'm exactly the same :P)
I'm usually a big bag type of gal.. hahaha had to do a double take on that cuz I thought I had wrote bin bag. xD But yeah, I usually prefer much bigger bags as I like to carry my whole life with me everywhere I go. But since it's summer and I no longer have to go College, there's actually no reason for me to use a big bag since I don't have to carry tonnes of books and some of the things I carry are just unnecessary. So, the bag I now use is perfect! It's tiny and it has GAJJILION pockets, wow, it has like 5 pockets or something and the bag inside is sectioned also. So much room for me to put my stuff in! Yeah! ;P
My bag is nothing designer but it's definitely snazzy and cool. Why? Firstly it's super cool looking as it's vintage. Secondly, it was given to me from my mummy, therefore it's not only ah-mazing looking but it's extra special because it holds some sentimental value to me.
This is the front view of the beauty |
The back view of the bag which has a pocket. |
A bottle of water, my earphones and my mobile phone. |
1. Bottle of water: Well, you can probably see that my bag is too tiny to carry a bottle of water, but I still like to carry a bottle of water when I do go out with my friends, I just end up putting it in one of their bags, haha xD Gotta keep hydrated wherever you go, whatever the cost! (Y)
2. Earphones: I literally cannot, CANNOT survive any journey without having my earphones plugged into my ears listening to some sort of music. I just hate listening to other people talk or breath near me when I'm walking down the street or travelling on public transport. (you can see how antisocial I am) Well, unless your my bud then yeahh I'm all up for a good chinwag and gossip about blah and blah. xD
3. My phone: Of course I'd have my phone with me! How would I listen to music? Text/Whatsapp my friends?! Call my friends?!?! Write down my notes and reminders?! HOW,HOW,HOW?! Those are four really good justifications in my opinion. Oh yeah, and to take pictures on the go for my blog!! Gasp how could I forget that?! x)
I forgot to include my oyster as well!!!! I can't find it atm which really sucks, without it I literally can't go anywhere honestly.. might as well just stay at home and watch some Running man & play games :D
The view of when I open my bag to grab me stuff. |
Front section of my bag. |
Btw everything I'm showing here is 100% real. I know I have some random shit in my bag :| but that's some life ey! :D All right, Leggo!
4. My College Lanyard (excluding the card): You guys already know I've left College since I finished after my last exam. We were expected to give back our cards b'cuz you know they actually think we're gonna be bothered to go back in there and Iuno, maybe decide to trash and burn down the place which tbh isn't a bad idea. xD Hahaha but yeah, I still wanted to keep my lanyard for the
5. My purse: I love this purse! Once again it's vintage, and no, it wasn't given to me from my mummy, I had purchased it from Rokit in Central. It was only £3!! I could not pass that up! I love the navy blue, it's one of my favorite colors and it's made of a nice leather material, not sure if it's real or fake though~ It carries my ££££, my cards and a hand puppet called 'Hermeenooz/Hernandes Andeles Andeles Gonzalez' that my friend and I had made when we were in the Library, we were bored from studying. Don't judge us, boredom hit us hard, hahaha. xD
6. Pencil, pen, calculator & ruler: I've said this a million of times, I apologies, but yeah these were the equipment I took with me for my last exam. Nothing interesting, NEXT!
7. A receipt & tissue (basically rubbish): I like to keep my receipts not to check how much I've spent... but for those times when there isn't a bin anywhere around and I need to spit out my gum. LMAO! It's not funny.. haha but yeah. I got tissue b'cuz it just makes life easier.. lool tissues are a bag staple.. nuff said.
8. A bag of Almonds: These come in handy whenever I'm out and about and I'm feeling a little peckish and need something to hold me until I get home.They're a bit dry but they're quite tasty! I never finish them all in one sitting, more like a little handful as it's not great for you to eat too much nuts. LMAO. No dirry thoughts guys haha xD
9. Vaseline: This is like a little pot of goodness. It's great for many things, dry skin, lips, hands, elbows etc etc. I have one living in my bag and another one living in my room. It's not the bomb.com for lips since it's quite oily in texture, but I usually just take this wherever I go and use Carmex when I'm at home.
Second section of my bag. |
12. More rubbish: Got a random piece of paper and a chocolate bar wrapper. It was either that there was no bin around for me to throw my rubbish, or I was too lazy and couldn't be bothered to go to the bin so just stuffed the rubbish in my bag, I'm guessing it was most likely the latter. xP
13. My keys: I have my home keys along with two key chains, I have a teddy one which was originally from one of my other bags I purchased when I was in China, the other key ring has my name on it that I had got during a Geography trip back in Secondary school.
14. Mirror and comb: I always seems to have mascara or eyeliner smudges across my face at random times and no one seems to tell me when I do! Checking my face regularly has become a habit especially when I have eye makeup on. Also when I have any type of lip product on too. The comb is my chosen form of weaponry for when I do come across a mugger... -.- I'm being sarcastic I hoped you could tell?! Of course I use it to comb or tease my hair on the go.
15. Photos: I just printed these out recently, they're photos of either memories of a particular event or pictures of some friends and I together; no one prints out pictures these days and you're hardly ever going to be bothered to look through pictures on the computer, so, I thought I'd print some of my favorites and stick them on my wall!
Thumbs up & a HUGE THANK YOU TO YOU ALL! |
I hope you guys enjoyed my rendition of the 'What's in my bag' Tag! Hahaha this is actually quite nostalgic, it reminds me of my time back in Primary school. You would bring an item from home to bring to school and then you would do a little show & tell presentation to your whole class, talking about how awesome your item was. This is the same really but more uhm... different too... anywho~ until next time, See you later! x
What I've been Currently Wearing.. #1
1. Maybelline The Rocket Volum' Express Mascara (Waterproof)
No surprise that this product is here! To those who have read my previous post which was a review on this mascara would already know that I'm in love with this mascara. It lengthens, thickens and volumizes my non-existent lashes which is great. It's inexpensive compared to some other drugstore mascaras and it's easily available in many stores to purchase. If you want to know more about what I think about this mascara check out my previous post. (Y)
2. E.L.F Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder
Cheap & cheerful are the two words I would use to describe this product. Yes I admit, I was definitely caught up in the hype of this product and wanted to try it out since everyone was raving about it. Lemme tell you, I agree with the majority, it's great! I mix the two shades together and make sure to tap of the excess before I apply it in a 3 motion across my face. (A really bronzed/blushed face is a no-no) The sparkles may seem very intimidating in the pan but it really doesn't show up much on the face, as long as you don't pack the product on your face then you're fine. If you apply it right, it'll give you a healthy glow like you've just been on holiday to Hawaii. Wooo~ How Snazzy ;P
3. Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer (Shade 010)
This is a repurchase so already you can tell how much I love this product. It's lightweight yet it covers well in my opinion, however, it may not cover up well for those who have really bad under eye circles. I suggest using a correcter with a salmon tone beforehand and then to use this concealer on top. Thus I use this more so under my eyes due to it's light formula to brighten up my eyes rather than cover. What I also love is that it has more of a yellow undertone and for an Oriental, that's great. (Y) I can't deal with pinky undertone concealers, they make me look weird. Haha xD
4. Bourjois Healthy Mix Concealer (Shade 53)
At first I didn't really like this concealer as it was quite drying for me. However, I've learnt how to overcome this problem by mixing it with my moisturizer and VUALA it's great! It has great coverage; it's not super-duper heavy but it's definitely near that end of the scale. I don't think I'd repurchase this again not because I hate it, more so because I love trying out new concealers and tbh I wasn't and still am not in love with this concealer. Gotta try and finish this up although it seems like this concealer is never ever going to finish, it still looks pretty full to me! At least that means I got my moneys worth. ;D
5. Generic Brand Eyelash Curlers
Although these aren't the best eyelash curlers I've owned, they get the job done. I first prep my lashes with these before I apply my mascara and they help keep my lashes curled all day. I recommend everyone to curl their lashes before mascara, it makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE!
6.Sleek Face Contour Kit (Light)
It is so convenient having the contour powder and the highlighter in one compact, it definitely makes getting ready in the morning more quicker. I've practically hit pan on the contour shade, well, more like finished it honestly! However, nowadays I've been using more of the E.LF Blush & Bronzing Powder for my cheeks rather than the Sleek contour powder, but I have now been using more of the highlighter which I love! It gives a beautiful luminescence to your cheekbones and it's just gorgeous! I love it! <3
Wishlist #1
Well guys it's time for my first ever wishlist! Now, in case you're a bit confuzzled with the whole concept of a wishlist, it's basically a list of the items that you've been wanting for a while. ;P In my case, there are some items here that I've been lusting for an extremely long time like the black boots and the platform converses. HOWEVER, in all honesty I really don't need any of these items.. who's knows if I'll actually get all of these, maybe one or two but probably not e'erthang. Hope you like what I've picked out! :D
1. Topshop, Jonie Jeans (Black Ver) £36.00
I think every girl needs a good quality pair of black jeans, it's a staple I tell you! £36.00 for a pair of jeans.. damn that's BIG BUCKS but I've heard ah-mazing things about the Jonie Jeans and I would love a pair! (Y) They're rumored to be something similar along the lines of the AA Disco Pants, with the whole high waist number they both have going on and the slim fit style. However ofc they have their differences, one is more legging-esque whilst the other are actual jeans. Topshop jeans are also known for their comfort and softness, not like you're typical pair of jeans where you struggle for 'god knows how long' making you feel like you've gained 10lbs all of a sudden. Le sigh~ I think I've even convinced myself there that I defo need a pair of these babies. ;P
2. Office, Vagabond Dioon lace up boot black canvas £65.00
I fell in love straight away as I was randomly scrolling down Tumblr and saw them on a girl who had just purchased them. Of course knowing me I had to find the source of these and to see how much they were, I definitely remember 'crying' to myself as they were E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E and that was without postage! I don't exactly remember how much they were going for but I remember they were from the USA and in $$$'s. They were from either Nastygal or the sister website of that I'm not too sure, but I knew at that moment I had to give up on them. DUNDUNDUNNN.. but then I saw them on ASOS a few months later!!! Aaaaaak. I was so happy but they were out of stock ><" (gawsh don't you just hate that, they have all the other sizes but not yours, ¬¬" btw I'm a size 3 or 4 depending on the shoe) Newaysss, I was like okay I'll just wait... after a few weeks... they were gone! GONE! Never to be seen again on the website! :'( :'( :'( Maybe it was fate telling me that I wasn't the chosen one... BUT THEN! Haha, I was out shopping and saw them in Office! For only £65!!! (Y) I still haven't got them as I don't have the money to be splashing out on shoes.. but I will very soon. WATCH THIS SPACE!
3. Maxstar, C50 6-Holes Platform Low Sneakers Black £25.27
These are defo a love/hate thing. I personally love them! Tbh, I'd wear anything if I liked it, who cares what others think, ain't no one got time for that! Anyways, not only are they like converses which are already cool in my books although shhh they're not the actual ALL-STAR CONVERSE brand. But that doesn't matter, Asians are bomb at copying brands hahaha, PROPS TO MY PEOPLE! These sneakers also have a PLATFORM!! Perfect for all my shorties out there! Being 5ft 1 inches, these type of platform shoes are my fave because they're uber cool and not because they make me like 2 inches taller, of course that's not the main reason pshh. xD
4. Ikea, KRABB Mirror £10 (Pack of 2)
I'm not even kidding, having these mirrors in my room will for sure make getting ready 10x more quicker for me. Not being able to see the whole outfit makes it hard for me to see what to pair or wear with me shirt! LMAO xD firstworldproblems# Basically Ineed want these in my room, it'll actually not only benefit myself ofc but the people around me, ahem, lemme explain myself, the people who ask me out or whenever there's an outing I'm always late.. so.... duhh having these will make me early! Well, that made more sense in my brain.. walevaaa~
5. LOOK Beauty Brow Perfect Kit £11.99
I'm an eyebrow girl, I LOVE eyebrows I do! It's hands down my favorite part when doing my makeup in the morning. :D I would have to say I prefer the dark more fuller looking eyebrow than the very thin arched line eyebrow, but you know, to each their own. I'm not one to judge others. I'm currently using a mixture of two shades: a grey and a brown eye shadow to fill in my brows, it's not the most greatest quality but it gets the job done. I've hit pan on both shades so when I do finish them up, I most probably will purchase the LOOK beauty eyebrow kit as it has a lot of shades for you to mix and match to your eyebrows. Also, because it looks fun as well with the stencils available that you can play around with. (Y)
1. Topshop, Jonie Jeans (Black Ver) £36.00
I think every girl needs a good quality pair of black jeans, it's a staple I tell you! £36.00 for a pair of jeans.. damn that's BIG BUCKS but I've heard ah-mazing things about the Jonie Jeans and I would love a pair! (Y) They're rumored to be something similar along the lines of the AA Disco Pants, with the whole high waist number they both have going on and the slim fit style. However ofc they have their differences, one is more legging-esque whilst the other are actual jeans. Topshop jeans are also known for their comfort and softness, not like you're typical pair of jeans where you struggle for 'god knows how long' making you feel like you've gained 10lbs all of a sudden. Le sigh~ I think I've even convinced myself there that I defo need a pair of these babies. ;P
2. Office, Vagabond Dioon lace up boot black canvas £65.00
I fell in love straight away as I was randomly scrolling down Tumblr and saw them on a girl who had just purchased them. Of course knowing me I had to find the source of these and to see how much they were, I definitely remember 'crying' to myself as they were E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E and that was without postage! I don't exactly remember how much they were going for but I remember they were from the USA and in $$$'s. They were from either Nastygal or the sister website of that I'm not too sure, but I knew at that moment I had to give up on them. DUNDUNDUNNN.. but then I saw them on ASOS a few months later!!! Aaaaaak. I was so happy but they were out of stock ><" (gawsh don't you just hate that, they have all the other sizes but not yours, ¬¬" btw I'm a size 3 or 4 depending on the shoe) Newaysss, I was like okay I'll just wait... after a few weeks... they were gone! GONE! Never to be seen again on the website! :'( :'( :'( Maybe it was fate telling me that I wasn't the chosen one... BUT THEN! Haha, I was out shopping and saw them in Office! For only £65!!! (Y) I still haven't got them as I don't have the money to be splashing out on shoes.. but I will very soon. WATCH THIS SPACE!
3. Maxstar, C50 6-Holes Platform Low Sneakers Black £25.27
These are defo a love/hate thing. I personally love them! Tbh, I'd wear anything if I liked it, who cares what others think, ain't no one got time for that! Anyways, not only are they like converses which are already cool in my books although shhh they're not the actual ALL-STAR CONVERSE brand. But that doesn't matter, Asians are bomb at copying brands hahaha, PROPS TO MY PEOPLE! These sneakers also have a PLATFORM!! Perfect for all my shorties out there! Being 5ft 1 inches, these type of platform shoes are my fave because they're uber cool and not because they make me like 2 inches taller, of course that's not the main reason pshh. xD
4. Ikea, KRABB Mirror £10 (Pack of 2)
I'm not even kidding, having these mirrors in my room will for sure make getting ready 10x more quicker for me. Not being able to see the whole outfit makes it hard for me to see what to pair or wear with me shirt! LMAO xD firstworldproblems# Basically I
5. LOOK Beauty Brow Perfect Kit £11.99
I'm an eyebrow girl, I LOVE eyebrows I do! It's hands down my favorite part when doing my makeup in the morning. :D I would have to say I prefer the dark more fuller looking eyebrow than the very thin arched line eyebrow, but you know, to each their own. I'm not one to judge others. I'm currently using a mixture of two shades: a grey and a brown eye shadow to fill in my brows, it's not the most greatest quality but it gets the job done. I've hit pan on both shades so when I do finish them up, I most probably will purchase the LOOK beauty eyebrow kit as it has a lot of shades for you to mix and match to your eyebrows. Also, because it looks fun as well with the stencils available that you can play around with. (Y)
A Review on Maybelline's The Rocket Volum' Express Mascara (Waterproof Version)
![]() |
Image used on Maybelline's Website for the Rocket Volum' Express Mascara |
This is how Maybelline has described The Rocket Volum' Express Mascara on their website:
UP TO 8X BIGGER VOLUME. IT'S ROCKET SCIENCE! Our exclusive Jet Glide brush with Flexi-fine bristles loads on big bang volume so fast, there is no time for clumps! Our smooth formula keeps lashes looking sleek and even.
Product details of this mascara You'll love this mascara because it's glidable and goes on lashes so cleanly, leaving a glossy finish. You don't need to apply many coats as our Jet Glide brush charges big, explosive volume in Rocket time.
Do I agree?
From what Maybelline have claimed this mascara has to offer, I have to say I do agree with some of the things they have said. Firstly, I do agree about the part about not needing to apply many coats of this mascara, this is because it depends on the type of look you're going for: natural, dramatic, drag queen etc, you can achieve that by applying just one coat or 10! But of course Makeup Brands such as Maybelline or Rimmel etc always has some sort of novelty concept or idea they use to lure in customers about a particular product. In this case, this mascara follows along the idea of being a rocket and being super fast like speedy Gonzales.. (okay.. I added the speedy Gonzales bit) as it's 'TOO FAST' for clumps. When I first read that my initial thought was 'THE F....?!' Okay.. maybe I'm just those really picky people that reads too much into things.. (probably because I did Eng Lit..) But seriously... the fact that they say it's too fast for clumps... -.- you can just imagine yourself just attempting to apply your mascara super fast to avoid the clumps. But its funny though... whether you apply it sloowww or fast there's no DIFFERENCE! Akkk~ okok let's just round this whole clumpy business up by saying that YES, it does gives you clumps although they say it doesn't ..hmmm.. but its not the bad type of clump where all your lashes stick to one and make one big lash, its the type of clumpy that gives your lashes more thickness and drama, that type of clumpy.. you get me?
What I like
This mascara is actually able to make my non-existent Asian eye-lashes EXIST!
It's hard for me to find mascaras especially from the drugstore to do wonders for my lashes. This mascara is an exception and makes my lashes stay curled and stay up through out an average day at college, which is like approx 4-6 hours ish. (Btw I use the waterproof version of this mascara) Usually with my new mascaras, I tend to open them and let them dry out for a couple of weeks before I use them since I prefer a drier formula than a wet formula. (All my Oriental ladies or my ladies with short 'points straight down' lashes, I'm sure you guys feel me too about the drier formula mascaras) But yes, I don't know why but when I first got this mascara I just wanted to try it out straight away, so I did! Guys.. let me tell you from my first use it was a dream.. of course I used my curlers to pre-curl my lashes and then applied this, but it actually separated and elongated my lashes! My face was like :O Maybe because it's waterproof it made them stay up which is why I prefer waterproof mascaras, normal formulas just doesn't cut it for me. Moreover, another extra point is that I didn't need to wait weeks for this mascara to dry out to use it, I could use it as soon as I purchased it which is a bonus. (Y)
This mascara is actually able to make my non-existent Asian eye-lashes EXIST!
Curled lashes with one coat of the mascara |
Side view of the lashes with one coat of mascara |
Hallelujah, Praise the Almighty Lord!
It's hard for me to find mascaras especially from the drugstore to do wonders for my lashes. This mascara is an exception and makes my lashes stay curled and stay up through out an average day at college, which is like approx 4-6 hours ish. (Btw I use the waterproof version of this mascara) Usually with my new mascaras, I tend to open them and let them dry out for a couple of weeks before I use them since I prefer a drier formula than a wet formula. (All my Oriental ladies or my ladies with short 'points straight down' lashes, I'm sure you guys feel me too about the drier formula mascaras) But yes, I don't know why but when I first got this mascara I just wanted to try it out straight away, so I did! Guys.. let me tell you from my first use it was a dream.. of course I used my curlers to pre-curl my lashes and then applied this, but it actually separated and elongated my lashes! My face was like :O Maybe because it's waterproof it made them stay up which is why I prefer waterproof mascaras, normal formulas just doesn't cut it for me. Moreover, another extra point is that I didn't need to wait weeks for this mascara to dry out to use it, I could use it as soon as I purchased it which is a bonus. (Y)
I never thought I'd find a mascara that was able to make my lashes visible but trust me, this one works and its great! It's got a plastic bristle brush which makes it easier to grab to every lash, also, because of it's very unique oval rounded shape brush it fits nicely around the eye when applying. Just make sure you don't place it too close to your eyes or you'll poke yourself in the eyeballs.. and die. I'm not kidding. xD
What I don't like
To be honest.. I genuinely love everything about this mascara. Even the packaging of it is quite snazzy in my opinion, it's blue and it functions well.. so what's not to like? I don't really have any complaints other than the fact that I'm going to have to keep on changing up my mascaras every few months or so, but that's it! OMFG no. How could I forget?! As it's waterproof.. it's a bitch to get off. You're going to need a very good eye makeup remover to get this off, but it's worth it. Because you're worth it~ ahaha xD Is that L'oreal's slogan or someone else's?...uh I forgets. Any who in case you're interested, I like to use a baby wipe and coconut oil to remove mine. Oil-based eye makeup removers are the best at removing waterproof mascaras. (Y)
The reasons why I had purchased this mascara were because I needed a new mascara & it was on a good deal. winwinsituation# I was initially very interested in this mascara when it had first came out but of course for someone who has hardly any lashes, I didn't see the point of mascara but of course being the makeup junkie I am though, I decided to give mascara another chance. Oh you have no idea how happy I am that I decided on this one. :D
This mascara is originally £7.99 but I had got it for £5.99 in either Superdrugs or Boots I don't remember, the £2's off is what sold me and I had to buy it. I love the price! (hahaha I'm a bargain hunter I am xP) Whether it's part of a deal or not, it still works out cheaper than the drugstore £10+ mascaras and works just as well, probably even better in my opinion.
This mascara is originally £7.99 but I had got it for £5.99 in either Superdrugs or Boots I don't remember, the £2's off is what sold me and I had to buy it. I love the price! (hahaha I'm a bargain hunter I am xP) Whether it's part of a deal or not, it still works out cheaper than the drugstore £10+ mascaras and works just as well, probably even better in my opinion.
Would I recommend it to a friend and repurchase it?
YES & YES! Nuff said people. It is hands down my #1 drugstore mascara of choice, of life!
GO OUT, BUY IT AND TRY IT OUT FOR YOURSELF! I promise it's great! I have used this mascara for a couple of months before I wrote this review, so I do feel that this review is as valid as it can get. But of course everyone's lashes are different so what may work for me.. may not work for you.
I hope you enjoyed this review and found it somewhat useful! Thank you for reading x
Monday, 24 June 2013
Part of My Experience in Sixth Form College & Some advice from me
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Your opinions and thoughts are much more important than what others think about you, your appearance and your life. |
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Basically don't be a jackass or a douche to others if you don't want to be treated the same. |
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Nothing is more important than giving 100% into everything you do: work, school, relationships, friendships etc |
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Learn to love yourself, because hey, no one can love you truly before you start to love and appreciate yourself |
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Don't think about the moneymoneymoney, ahaha, think about what makes you happy. Follow your dreams, as big or as small they may be, they'll eventually come true if you're truly passionate about it |
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What makes you happy? Do more of it. (haha I basically paraphrased the quote) |
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You might have failed that last time, but instead of moping and crying about it make sure you do better and kick ass the next time! |
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Education. Sometimes you need to stop whining and procrastinating, just get on with the work and get it done. |
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Worrying too much leads to stress and potential harm, Don't do that to yourself. Instead of worrying, do something more productive that would help the situation. |
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Life is unfair, shitty things happen but guess what.. they pass! If something bad happens don't mope about it, get on with your life and carry on! |
These are some of the picture quotes I had on my phone during my two years in College; some are quite harsh and some are probably ones you've heard before. Nevertheless, I want to let you guys know that those who are going to start College soon or are currently having a difficult time in College, I'm here to help you all!
Before College, I was a very timid and shy person, I wasn't one to stand up for myself or the one to most likely be involved in the fight you heard about after school. I was very nice (well I like to still think I am ahaha) and extremely hardworking. Wow.. how it all changed after leaving Secondary School and starting College. I've learnt so many things whilst in College; in
(REMEMBER! What I say of course isn't representative of ALL Colleges in the UK; I went to a Sixth Form, but these are generalizations of what my friends, other people I know and I have experienced in College.)
#College is a new environment and completely different to Secondary School. You're NOT going to be spoon-fed by the 'teachers;' although they're called your teachers, you're going to be expected to call them by their first names (it's weird.. I personally didn't like it, calling them by their first names made it seem like we were buddies or something :| ) There are going to be some teachers that are going to care like it's their life about you, your attendance and your punctuality. On the other hand, there are going to be others that don't give a shit about whether you attend class, if you're late or if you bunk. Let me tell you people! Majority of my teachers were the latter and of course being a 100% hardworking and punctual student in the past, all of a sudden having teachers not telling you what to do as much and basically giving you the freedom to do whatever you want affected me real bad. You could easily bunk and practically just hang around the place with all your mates chillaxing without a care in the world. The teachers are hardly ever around to catch you, they're too busy with their own lives and the students that actually do attend their lessons. #TIP 1 - Please don't bunk, it's not worth it. It's hard to believe coming from a person who bunked A LOT! (Especially in the first year, but it calmed down in the second year) But during those days or hours I bunked, I did.. NOTHING, NA-DA! Rather than spending those hours like you should be, learning and basically what your parents thought you were doing, all those hours turned out to be you just hanging around the cafeteria playing rounds of Blackjack because you 'couldn't be bothered' to go to class that day. Is it worth it?! It sure does sound very stupid now that I recall and write it out.
#What is your main objective in College? Is it to make friends? Or is it to go to your lessons, learn and get the grades that you need? Or is it both? I learnt a BIG lesson in College.. okay maybe this is a bit bias especially since it's coming from my experience but honestly, 2 years?! Is that enough for you to make long lasting friendships? Or friends you're sure will be bothered to text and keep in contact with you after the 2 years are up, except that rare chat that happens once every 6 months about what you're doing in life? Unless of course you were friends beforehand or you guys are going to the same University. BUT that is not the point. #TIP 2 - I want you to constantly think about what is more important, your friends/social life in College or your learning; basically the main reason why you're in College in the first place. Okay I get it, it's important to make friends and all that business, BUT it's not when it's affecting your learning, it's not when they're the ones making you bunk and skip lessons and finally..
..it's not when at the end of the day the one in trouble is YOU!
You need to learn how and when to say 'no' to your friends, learn how to organize your time for your friends and for your learning. You need to keep focus and remind yourself constantly that after these two years are up, which is more important to you, your friends or your grades? I'm not suggesting to you to break all friendships or make no friends at all, but just to realize and notice when you're going off track from work because of your social life in College.
#Picking your College/Sixth Form Subjects. Wow.. past College Graduates really don't lie when they say to pick subjects you enjoy.. and of course being naive and a bit too confident in myself I selected some hardcore subjects instead. ><" Well, tbh I thought I'd enjoy them and I'd be able to pass them with flying colors! Oh how wrong was I?! #TIP 3 - I mean this, like genuinely from the bottom of my heart ask of you to REALLY think about what you truly enjoy, and then select the subjects closest to your interests. Don't pick subjects based on what your parents want because at the end of the day, you're going to be doing those subjects - it's your life so you should have the final say. Loads of people who finish College always say that if they had pick this or that subject they liked instead of the subject they initially picked, they would of been able to easily achieve an A or B. It's pointless and a bit late for all that don't you think? Learn from my mistakes and other College grads, pick the subjects you would enjoy thus will work hard in, not subjects you kinda like or were pressured into because trust me, you won't be as hard working and dedicated.
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL TIPS FOR IN COLLEGE, IN LIFE! 'Fuck what they think' - Firstly I apologies for swearing but never mind that! My lovely friends, we live in a sad and cruel world, (I'm sure you already knew that but wahey!) we're easily judged and criticized by others, we're pressured into looking and acting a certain way and life just sucks for us girls and boys, because of how the Media depicts the perfect Male/Female. Now.. what I mean by 'Fuck what they think' is exactly what it says..
Who cares?! Really, the amount of cares we give and allow ourselves to give to other people is not right. Especially when they're people who have no relation to you whatsoever! They're not your family, your friends, or even your friend's friend! They're strangers, which equals people who have no right or the audacity to say ANYTHING about your face, weight, style, hair, life etc. Who are they anyway?! Even if they are a blood relation, a friend, a teacher, the granny that lives on your road or someone you've said Hi a few times at School, if they say something that makes you upset or makes you feel worthless as a person, you should slap that person ( I don't condone violence :D ) - tell them that nothing in this world is more ugly than a person with an ugly heart and run off dramatically. Hahahaha xD okayokay I was joking about telling them the ugly heart bit. xD
I want you all to know that, this is cheesy I know but it has to be done! YOU'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL! Yeah, you might not be the World's Top Model or the next G-Dragon (my husband ;P) BUT like I love to say, 'Who cares?!' Trust me, the more you think about what others think, the more unhappy and sad you become as a person; you're never going to live a happy life! You should live your life the way that you want! I'm certain that if a close friend had said to you that they overheard someone commenting that the dress they wore was ugly, what would you say back to them? 'Oh you should totes listen to them because they know what's in fashion and what other people think is always right'? Or 'Pshhhh who cares what they think, they're just jealous because they can't rock it like you can, don't listen to them, they're not worth your time!' I'm confident in the answer you've chosen, so if the advice you gave your friend was the second option.. then maybe you should start listening to your own advice too and act upon them. But if it was #1 then go away we don't want ugly-hearted people like you here.
So, that's all I have to say! Was it an interesting post? hahaha, I shall leave you guys now ...
But remember! You're all awesome and don't go impressing anyone unless they're worthy and actually appreciative of your time, efforts and total ahmazing-ness!
Goodbye! x
Saturday, 22 June 2013
What's wrong with me?
I don't know what the reason is and I don't know why but I feel like absolute shit. ><" I feel terrible and uncomfortable. It's not like I'm sad about anything or hungry.. I just feel depressed at the moment. I thought that typing this out would make me feel better but I don't know if I'm going to even upload this or not. But if I do then I guess you're reading this right now. This is a total 180 from my usual self when I'm practically like a hyper bunny on speed isn't it? Now I'm like this you'll realize that I'm just like everyone else, I'm not always a happy and cheerful person, I have my sad moments, moments where I just have those deep deep thoughts about things in life. On the other hand, I might just be sad because my brain plus my body just feels like being sad today? Who knows? Cuz I certainly don't... and it's not like I just suddenly became sad like BAM! I noticed it as soon as I woke up today, and it just gradually and slowly became more noticeable to me and eventually just took over me I guess. I thought that going to the gym would help but sadly, those endorphin's and that gym after glow you get just didn't do anything for me. I worked out hard today, like super hard and all I was left feeling was tired, out of breath and lightheaded.
Hmm.. I don't like the fact that I'm putting negativity on my blog with all this depressing-ness and sadness, SO, I'm going to stop now and I'm going to try and go make myself feel better. :)
Thank you for reading, I won't say I hoped you enjoyed because there was nothing to be enjoyed in this post. Just know that being sad and depressed are not things that are out of your control, they're choices.
You're the one that makes those choices, and I think you deserve to make the happy choice. x
Hmm.. I don't like the fact that I'm putting negativity on my blog with all this depressing-ness and sadness, SO, I'm going to stop now and I'm going to try and go make myself feel better. :)
Thank you for reading, I won't say I hoped you enjoyed because there was nothing to be enjoyed in this post. Just know that being sad and depressed are not things that are out of your control, they're choices.
You're the one that makes those choices, and I think you deserve to make the happy choice. x
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Off to the gym we go!
Ello again ;D t'is I, Lillian here, of course.
I AM OFF TO THE GYM! After nearly a month of not going because of exams, I am now pumped and ready to go back to the wondrous yet stinky place. ;P I'm going with a dear friend of mine who I love and she's the best! Her name is Sameeha, (I would LOVE to tell you guys her surname because it makes me trololol but I won't just to keep the joke of it alive, 'don't wear it out.' :D But anyways that is not the point. Do you remember earlier in one of my posts I said and don't quote me, but something along the lines of ' i feel fugly in this and i gotta lose some weight...' well something like that. I am making that happen starting from today and I'm going to SUCCEED! ahaha xD
Just in case you guys start nagging me about 'Omggggg you don't need to lose weight or like you have no idea what you are on about.'
I GET IT, I'M NO SUPER SAIYAN..but my dad is. Anyway back to the blog post.
Just to give you some details on my weight & stuff: (ooooo I feel shy and slightly embarrassed revealing these I duno why.. jfvh;dufvfh;gfh ahhaha)
HEIGHT: 5ft 1/5ft 2 (Tbh I have no idea haha.. but its between those two I'm sure)
WEIGHT: Currently 8.5 stones or 54Kgs or 119 pounds
GOAL WEIGHT: Well, it kinda depends but I'm hoping something like 7 and a half stones I guess, so 7.5 stones. But I might change my mind you never know along my weight lossjourney adventure! I want to be at a good weight I'm happy with and be toned as f... :D
BMI: 22.5 (Normal Weight Category) I'd like to be at a lower number but still in the normal weight category. (I don't think I'm going to be as bold and actually take pictures of my bods and post them on here, although I know that having a visual is much more preferred than just words, I'm sorry, I'm too much of a chicken..)
Soo... I am going to just go and scroll on fitblrs and listen to my K-pop (Exo-K ofc xD) whilst I continue to wait for my buddy. Ill update you guys later after my trip! (Maybe not straight after but we'll see) TTYL!
After a couple of hours... tik tok tik tok..
IM BACKKKKKKKKK !!!! Fek me man... gawsh... did like TWO HOURS GUYS !! Wooo! .. I think that's bluddy fantastic for the first time after like nearly a month. I got back like 30 mins ago or something but ofc I had priorities to do first:
-Taking a niceeeeee shower (yeahhhh ;P)
-Eating some grub to fill me tum (Oh yh I'm eating more healthier schtuff & cutting out most junkie foods (Y)
-Uh... was planning on taking a nap as soon as I came back but because I just ate.. I can't have a nap anytime soon so I thought lets finish this mofo of a post!!
I apologies since I didn't take any pictures whilst at the gym, but come on... that wasn't my main objective was it?! I only got the picture above because I was finished then and in the changing rooms, it was hard for me to even talk or breath then. ><" I just wanted to freshen up and get the hell outta there asap.
SO yeahhh.. lets get down to what I actually did at zee gyms!
I AM OFF TO THE GYM! After nearly a month of not going because of exams, I am now pumped and ready to go back to the wondrous yet stinky place. ;P I'm going with a dear friend of mine who I love and she's the best! Her name is Sameeha, (I would LOVE to tell you guys her surname because it makes me trololol but I won't just to keep the joke of it alive, 'don't wear it out.' :D But anyways that is not the point. Do you remember earlier in one of my posts I said and don't quote me, but something along the lines of ' i feel fugly in this and i gotta lose some weight...' well something like that. I am making that happen starting from today and I'm going to SUCCEED! ahaha xD
Just in case you guys start nagging me about 'Omggggg you don't need to lose weight or like you have no idea what you are on about.'
I GET IT, I'M NO SUPER SAIYAN..but my dad is. Anyway back to the blog post.
Just to give you some details on my weight & stuff: (ooooo I feel shy and slightly embarrassed revealing these I duno why.. jfvh;dufvfh;gfh ahhaha)
HEIGHT: 5ft 1/5ft 2 (Tbh I have no idea haha.. but its between those two I'm sure)
WEIGHT: Currently 8.5 stones or 54Kgs or 119 pounds
GOAL WEIGHT: Well, it kinda depends but I'm hoping something like 7 and a half stones I guess, so 7.5 stones. But I might change my mind you never know along my weight loss
BMI: 22.5 (Normal Weight Category) I'd like to be at a lower number but still in the normal weight category. (I don't think I'm going to be as bold and actually take pictures of my bods and post them on here, although I know that having a visual is much more preferred than just words, I'm sorry, I'm too much of a chicken..)
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Ryannnn! I'm comingggg! ahaha xD |
After a couple of hours... tik tok tik tok..
IM BACKKKKKKKKK !!!! Fek me man... gawsh... did like TWO HOURS GUYS !! Wooo! .. I think that's bluddy fantastic for the first time after like nearly a month. I got back like 30 mins ago or something but ofc I had priorities to do first:
-Taking a niceeeeee shower (yeahhhh ;P)
-Eating some grub to fill me tum (Oh yh I'm eating more healthier schtuff & cutting out most junkie foods (Y)
-Uh... was planning on taking a nap as soon as I came back but because I just ate.. I can't have a nap anytime soon so I thought lets finish this mofo of a post!!
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Proof shot. The time here is 3:15 |
I apologies since I didn't take any pictures whilst at the gym, but come on... that wasn't my main objective was it?! I only got the picture above because I was finished then and in the changing rooms, it was hard for me to even talk or breath then. ><" I just wanted to freshen up and get the hell outta there asap.
SO yeahhh.. lets get down to what I actually did at zee gyms!
5 mins to walk to the gym from home ( Yes it does count into my workout.. even opening the door latch to get out of my house was a workout too. 'Don't hate. Appreciate' ;D
1:15 inside the actual gym (forgot to take pic of the time on my watch, sorry. ><)
15 mins on the rowing machine
20 mins on the bicycle
30 mins on the treadmill (started off with a 10 min jog then a 5 min walk x2)
30 mins on the elliptical
10 mins on some leg toning machine thingies (hahhaa some of these machines if you don't know the names of them it's funny how you try to describe them) xP
5 mins stretching
3:10 ishhh FINITOOOOO !
It took me like double the time it usually takes me to walk to the gym to walk back home... sigh~
I felt lightheaded and hungry.. twas very refreshing and relaxing though the walk back home.
Now I just can't wait back to get into a routine to get my body working and sweating like a bitch. I'm also going swimming tomorrow.. DUNDUNDUNNNN! I don't even know how to swim... last time I learnt how to swim was back in Primary school, and that was AGES ago. I forgot everything I've learnt! ><" eeek. My friend is planning on teaching me and trust me, I'm hopeless with the whole move your arms and move your legs at the same time ninja move. Hopefully by some miracle or just down to my own awesome skills, I WILL LEARN. Well, I have to since swimming is an essential skill you need in life. You never know when a flood will come out of nowhere and it's like Hunger Games, every man or woman for themselves, or High School Musical 3 (at the end when it's a massive celebration at the pool) ooooo gurll, I know my shietttt. Ahaha :|
Okay I gots to go.. I don't wanna type anymore hahaha, I've already exercised enough today.. I don't need the extra workout from typing out loads. Lmao xD till next time my beautiful readers. BYE x
1:15 inside the actual gym (forgot to take pic of the time on my watch, sorry. ><)
15 mins on the rowing machine
20 mins on the bicycle
30 mins on the treadmill (started off with a 10 min jog then a 5 min walk x2)
30 mins on the elliptical
10 mins on some leg toning machine thingies (hahhaa some of these machines if you don't know the names of them it's funny how you try to describe them) xP
5 mins stretching
3:10 ishhh FINITOOOOO !
It took me like double the time it usually takes me to walk to the gym to walk back home... sigh~
I felt lightheaded and hungry.. twas very refreshing and relaxing though the walk back home.
Now I just can't wait back to get into a routine to get my body working and sweating like a bitch. I'm also going swimming tomorrow.. DUNDUNDUNNNN! I don't even know how to swim... last time I learnt how to swim was back in Primary school, and that was AGES ago. I forgot everything I've learnt! ><" eeek. My friend is planning on teaching me and trust me, I'm hopeless with the whole move your arms and move your legs at the same time ninja move. Hopefully by some miracle or just down to my own awesome skills, I WILL LEARN. Well, I have to since swimming is an essential skill you need in life. You never know when a flood will come out of nowhere and it's like Hunger Games, every man or woman for themselves, or High School Musical 3 (at the end when it's a massive celebration at the pool) ooooo gurll, I know my shietttt. Ahaha :|
Okay I gots to go.. I don't wanna type anymore hahaha, I've already exercised enough today.. I don't need the extra workout from typing out loads. Lmao xD till next time my beautiful readers. BYE x
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Officially done with College!! 2011-2013
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Definition of College: College is the devil's grotto, where a little evil devil lives making it his life mission to check up on your attendance 24/7, (even at home) and breath down your neck telling you to go to your next lesson, literally. No joke.
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My outfit and I after going College! |
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Me before going to.. you guessed it, College! |
Before heading out to go to .... COLLEGE! |
I nevernevernevernever thought this day would ever come but it has, it's finally here!! *tear* I just finished my final final final and did I say final? FINAL exam today, a Chemistry exam to be exact, the F324 Rings, Polymers and Analysis Paper to be very exact exact.. and I have to say I feel like I did well, I really did try my best and that's all you can do really! TRY YOUR BEST! Go Me!! ;D But I really don't think that the Science route of life is for me I'm afraid... I love Chemistry but it's just that Chemistry doesn't reciprocate my love; our relationship is far too complicated & difficult. tsktsk (N) :( Oh well, at least I know now that Science isn't for me, meaning that I'm one step closer to finding out what really I wanna do with my life! ;D optimisimalltheway#
How I look when the day is over & I would soon be in PJs |
How I look knowing I would be going to College that day |
How I look during College.. hahaha look at that face! |
Sigh~ But would I say I have enjoyed College? Hmmm.. it's up for debate but I guess I can give you my general answer which is uhh... no. NO. I didn't really like College, it wasn't what I expected it to be.. and in case you're probably thinking and wanting to say to the screen right now, 'it's cuz you had no friends, you're boring and you look like a plum.'
#1, I had friends right from the start of College and all the way till the end of college, so having friends around me to hang out with and chat with was no problem watsoevaaa! Although I do think I'm quite antisocial because I'm shy but trust me, once you get to know me and break the ice of awkwardness, I'LL BECOME YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND! ;) 'trollface'
#2, Whether I am TOTES boring or the most interesting person you know... I don't care either way. I'm someone who doesn't care about popularity, the amount of friends I have, having the most expensive accessories and gadgets, or the reputation of being a party animal that loves to socialize with people. What people think of me and say about me I genuinely really don't care, they can waste their time and breath but don't expect me to do the same. Unless they're my family or friends ofc. LMAO.. I make it seem like I have had a few enemies and some dramadrama time whilst in College, but no, College was basically me travelling 1 hour every morning and afternoon to a place just so FULL OF PEOPLE, LOADS OF PEOPLE.. & spend hours in lessons which tbh were subjects I shouldn't have chosen in the first place. I have never had any drama whilst being in College... I just honestly found it boring, which soon developed from boredom to hatred for the place. That's it really :).
#3, Hahahaha I just randomly said that but hey! What's wrong with looking like a plum anyways?! They're beautiful, luscious and curvy, like every woman should aspire to be. Lets just all be plums :)
Okay.. I have had enough writing and rambling on as I always seem to do. xP But basically the purpose of this post was to let you guys know that I have finally finished College, done ALL my exams and have left the place officially! (Well, I gots to go back to get my grades but until then...
Also, BIG CONGRATS to everyone else who has also finished College.. I understand the pain and sorrow you have experienced from the last 2 years! Until next time peeps!
Thank you for reading once again. x
Monday, 17 June 2013
Top Five K-POP Albums I'm Loving ATM
Goooood Afternoon my lovely readers! :) I just finished my Psychology A-Level Exam today and I'm sooooo relieved & happpy you have no idea! Weeeeeee~ now I have only one more exam for Chemistry and then I'm a free bird! Woohooooo! x) Okayokay I'm getting sidetracked and just rambling on now, Sorry!
Today's post is going to be on my top 5 kpop albums I've been listening to recently. (Just a side note I really do recommend SeoulFM online as it keeps me updated on the latest new songs & because it's a radio, it plays tunes all day e'erday. (Y) It's especially great when you're revising or just browsing online and you need something to accompany you. #foreveralone)
For this list, I haven't included any singles, just music albums and some songs in it that I'd recommend you guys to listen. To be honest if it were a combination of both singles and albums, the list would go on foreverrrrr, & let's be honest here.. you guys don't have the time to read pages of kpop songs and I'd be here forever listing down everysinglesongilove. IT'S A CYCLE THAT WILL NEVER EVER END!
I exaggerate but you get my drift.
Now onto the list, ;) 'finally.' :
#1. EXO-K/EXO-M - XOXO (Kiss&Hug)
Congratulations EXO for getting #1! Hahaha, I make it sound like I'm going to give them a prize or something xD (*here is an imaginary trophy & badges for all members... and here, you might as well take my heart too* LMAO xD)
AHHHHHHH! I LOVE EVERY SINGLE SONG in the album and trust me, it's rare to like every single song in an album.. but this one is seriously BOMB! & for that reason solely is why they are #1 in my Top 5. I like how they made a Korean and a Chinese version of the album, it makes me a very proud Chinese fellow for some reason. :D
Each song in the album is unique and no doubt very catchy too, I guess that's SM Entertainment for you mate! My top favorites are: the title track, Wolf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAal8xHfV0c Track 5 Let the Beast Out & Track 6 365 .. basically the whole album. I feel like there's a good range of songs in there and you'll definitely find at least one song worth repeating over & over again. I've been listening to this album 24/7 & I truly believe I'm actually fluent in Korean now, it's that addictive, like Candy Crush for all you sweet players. ;P
#2. 2PM - Grown
*Applause* Well done 2PM for getting 2nd place!! To be honest, it wasn't that hard for six hot guys to get into my list really... ahem, I mean their voices are like the epitome of angels and that is why they're on my list. :D But damnnn this album is SIK! (so sick that there's no 'c' in sick apparently... it's that hot people, believe me, the songs plus the guys ;P) If I were judging from singles only, Track 4 The First Date would of definitely been #1 but because I'm judging by albums as a whole, the song alone was not enough to grab the #1 spot. Although the whole album is really really good, I'm not in love with all the songs in it; then again, I do have to say that the songs in the album really highlights the voices of each member allowing them to ***shine bright like a diamond ***
I love Track 1 A.D.T.O.Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFnV7Y6iwrA which is the title track of this album & Track 4 The First Date. You guys should definitely check out the live performances of A.D.T.O.Y, it's HOTHOTHOT! My bais, Wooyoung, sure does know how to shake that butt. WOOOO~
#3. SHINEE - Chapter 2. 'Why So Serious -The Misconceptions Of Me'
No one can doubt SHINEE's ah-mazing singing skills and head bopping tunes, which is why they are in my top 5 landing them in 3rd place! I've always enjoyed SHINEE's music but this album... my friend, it's worth every second spent listening to it. You definitely will not be disappointed by it. Each song is packed with energy and just makes you wanna boogie it down... and yes, I am a poor victim of this serious crime. I'm listening to this album as I'm writing this and I'm telling you it's taking me 100x longer to write this post because I got the SHINEE FEVER!!
So unless you haven't been paying attention to what I have written so far, I adore this album and no doubt you can sense my undying love for it. Please! You guys have to check out this album, especially Track 4 Orgel & Track 5 Dangerous (Medusa II)... but if you do have the time to kill, check out the whole album! (Y)
#4. SISTAR- Give It To Me
Fourth place goes to..... SISTAR! My days, if I were half as pretty as
them I'd be a happy bunny...
.... a girl can dream right?
Their title track 'Give it to me' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6XLNsJ9YrA has that moulin rouge-esque appeal that makes you feel glamorous and sexy, almost like you've been teleported back to the 1920's jazz era. 'Shimmy those shoulders gurll~ It makes you wanna pull out your highest heels and prance like a queen. I enjoy this track a lot especially when I'm having a solo rave in my room, but listening to this song really does make you question what it is that SISTAR are asking to be given... winkwink ;)
Another song I love from the album is Bad Boy, Track 4, although their pronunciation of 'bad boy' sounds more like 'ba bo.' Then again who can really complain... the song still sounds awesome either way!
#5. Chocolat - The Third Single Album
Finally we're down to 5th place! *wipes brow* I never thought we would make it here... but we're nearly done I promise! The fifth position goes to.... (not like you don't know already, you've read the sub title anyways) Chocolat!!! Although the album has only two tracks, they're both really good and catchy.The title track Black Tinkerbell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op8cDa0feXI is more mature and has a sexier and alluring feel to it compared to their past songs.The babies are growing up too fast! Whilst their second track All Night Long has a more hip hop vibe to it, both which are new concepts for Chocolat from their debut concept, the 'hey I'm cute' appeal. But hey, it's all about trying new things right?! I like it that they're experimenting with new concepts, it's going to help them build up a profile and gain new fans along the way (Y) Winnerwinnerchickendinner#
WE'RE DONE!! :) Well done you for getting this far, I'm very grateful you've taken the time to read all this. Hopefully it wasn't too boring & I know there are a bunch of you who are not interested in K-POP at all, but maybe through my recommendations you could develop an interest or maybe a sudden liking to the new genre? Thank you for reading. x
Today's post is going to be on my top 5 kpop albums I've been listening to recently. (Just a side note I really do recommend SeoulFM online as it keeps me updated on the latest new songs & because it's a radio, it plays tunes all day e'erday. (Y) It's especially great when you're revising or just browsing online and you need something to accompany you. #foreveralone)
For this list, I haven't included any singles, just music albums and some songs in it that I'd recommend you guys to listen. To be honest if it were a combination of both singles and albums, the list would go on foreverrrrr, & let's be honest here.. you guys don't have the time to read pages of kpop songs and I'd be here forever listing down everysinglesongilove. IT'S A CYCLE THAT WILL NEVER EVER END!
I exaggerate but you get my drift.
Now onto the list, ;) 'finally.' :
#1. EXO-K/EXO-M - XOXO (Kiss&Hug)
Congratulations EXO for getting #1! Hahaha, I make it sound like I'm going to give them a prize or something xD (*here is an imaginary trophy & badges for all members... and here, you might as well take my heart too* LMAO xD)
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Interesting cover choice EXO! Very loveydovey <3 |
Each song in the album is unique and no doubt very catchy too, I guess that's SM Entertainment for you mate! My top favorites are: the title track, Wolf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAal8xHfV0c Track 5 Let the Beast Out & Track 6 365 .. basically the whole album. I feel like there's a good range of songs in there and you'll definitely find at least one song worth repeating over & over again. I've been listening to this album 24/7 & I truly believe I'm actually fluent in Korean now, it's that addictive, like Candy Crush for all you sweet players. ;P
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~It's getting hot in here.. so take off all your clothes, literally. Jyp... |
*Applause* Well done 2PM for getting 2nd place!! To be honest, it wasn't that hard for six hot guys to get into my list really... ahem, I mean their voices are like the epitome of angels and that is why they're on my list. :D But damnnn this album is SIK! (so sick that there's no 'c' in sick apparently... it's that hot people, believe me, the songs plus the guys ;P) If I were judging from singles only, Track 4 The First Date would of definitely been #1 but because I'm judging by albums as a whole, the song alone was not enough to grab the #1 spot. Although the whole album is really really good, I'm not in love with all the songs in it; then again, I do have to say that the songs in the album really highlights the voices of each member allowing them to ***shine bright like a diamond ***
I love Track 1 A.D.T.O.Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFnV7Y6iwrA which is the title track of this album & Track 4 The First Date. You guys should definitely check out the live performances of A.D.T.O.Y, it's HOTHOTHOT! My bais, Wooyoung, sure does know how to shake that butt. WOOOO~
#3. SHINEE - Chapter 2. 'Why So Serious -The Misconceptions Of Me'
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I've been loving Shinee's recent album covers, they're really creative and snazzy looking (Y) |
So unless you haven't been paying attention to what I have written so far, I adore this album and no doubt you can sense my undying love for it. Please! You guys have to check out this album, especially Track 4 Orgel & Track 5 Dangerous (Medusa II)... but if you do have the time to kill, check out the whole album! (Y)
#4. SISTAR- Give It To Me
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Three seem to be awake just fine, but the one at the bottom left seems a bit sleepy to me :| |
them I'd be a happy bunny...
.... a girl can dream right?
Their title track 'Give it to me' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6XLNsJ9YrA has that moulin rouge-esque appeal that makes you feel glamorous and sexy, almost like you've been teleported back to the 1920's jazz era. 'Shimmy those shoulders gurll~ It makes you wanna pull out your highest heels and prance like a queen. I enjoy this track a lot especially when I'm having a solo rave in my room, but listening to this song really does make you question what it is that SISTAR are asking to be given... winkwink ;)
Another song I love from the album is Bad Boy, Track 4, although their pronunciation of 'bad boy' sounds more like 'ba bo.' Then again who can really complain... the song still sounds awesome either way!
#5. Chocolat - The Third Single Album
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Meh.. the cover doesn't really appeal to me.. it's too boring. Sorry Chocolat! |
WE'RE DONE!! :) Well done you for getting this far, I'm very grateful you've taken the time to read all this. Hopefully it wasn't too boring & I know there are a bunch of you who are not interested in K-POP at all, but maybe through my recommendations you could develop an interest or maybe a sudden liking to the new genre? Thank you for reading. x
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