Yo! Wassssupp?! 'the sky..' haha -.-
I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately, it's because I have been very very busy with my apprenticeship and it's been taking up most of my time! Any free time I have I either spend it hanging out with my buds or chilling at home watching Top Gear. It's both mentally and physically exhausting working an 8 hr schedule every single day, and what's worst, the train journey! It's one hr to get there & an hr to get back home! ><" You can see the dark shadows under my eyes from having to wake up at 5:30 - 6.. 'sobsob. Maybe if I have the time, I'll write up a post updating you guys about what's been happening atm in my life!
Anywhoo, here I am with another double double for you all! :) I'm afraid the shots for this post aren't great but hey, as long as you can see my face + my outfit, that's all that matters!
Now let's get the ball rolling shall we?!
Collection 2000 lasting perfection concealer 3 // Rimmel wake me up concealer 010 // Famous blusher dusky rose // Benefit erase paste 2 // Rimmel stay matte powder 005 // Generic grey eye shadow for brows // Generic brown eye shadow for eyes // Maybelline gel eyeliner black // Maybelline rocket mascara black WP // Sleek contour kit light |
Let me give you a brief back story for the reason for my..ahem.. look for today. Well, you see, I am someone who DOESN'T usually have all their hair scraped back from their face, It's just something I rarely do. Unless I am at home ofc. #Comfortalltheway. From a little minion to a big minion, I have always had some sort of fringe: a full fringe, side fringe, the emo-esque fringe, middle parting fringe etc. Hahaha every fringe that exists under the sun, I assure you I have had at some point in my life.
& yes.. in case you're wondering, I have had the classic bowl cut (the all round short blunt cut).
Every Chinese person has to experience the dreaded bowl cut to have the right to be called Chinese.
I'm sorry but it's true.
However, there is always a first for everything right?! So, putting on my big girl pants I thought Eff it and pulled my hair into this messy, weird monstrosity at the back of my head and just left it. Hahaha, I really couldn't be asked to make my hair look all pretty and snazzy, I think it gives the overall look a more edgy feel anyways. xP
Laziness wins as always!
As for my makeup, I didn't want to go natural at all and thus went all out with my eyeliner and blush! Inspired by the Korean puppy dog eyes look, I tried to recreate the look by elongating the eyeliner downwards more than I usually would. Apparently, it makes your eyes appear larger and more innocent looking. Hahaha, to me, it just looks like I got punched in both eyes but yeah, I get the general idea of the puppy dog look. I did enjoy wearing this makeup a lot though! :)

Interesting Fact: I had the left side of my hair shaved earlier this year. Well to be more exact.. 1st January 2013. I always knew I wanted to shave my hair but I just didn't know when to. But when 2013 approached us, I thought to myself, 'new year, it's now or never, so lets do it!' It was an impulse thing to grab the shaver and shave my hair that night, yeah.. it was past midnight as well. I must of been high from the lack of sleep or something. xD I was shit scared the next day because that meant my parents would both see and I had a feeling they would disown me (hahaha I'm exaggerating but it was something close to that!).. Surprisingly, they both actually took it very very well! ;D My mum had even questioned if she should get her head shaved too!? I was like ;O. I love my parents I do, they're cray.
Btw, my dad has the best advice if I am ever a victim of bullying, it's hilarious. He says to tell them that you're Chinese and you know the Kung fu. Yup that's my dad right there. xD
Teddy tshirt - Charity store // Denim shorts - H&M // Checkered shirt - River Island |
This cute teddy patriotic (GO BRITAIN!) tshirt was from a local charity store near me, which my arty farty hands and I had decided to chop and sew it to my own liking. It was originally a mens tshirt if you're wondering, but I think I managed to make it look quite feminine and awesome. Self praise right there! Oh yeah, it was only £1!!!! BARGAINNN!!! The short denim shorts were from H&M that I had purchased in France around 3 years ago, they were in the sale for 5 euros. They're quite loosey and super short but I love them! As for the grey scaled flannel checkered shirt, it was free! Hahaha, it actually belongs to me elder brother. I love it either way, it's super soft and I love the colour scheme of it. Props to the bro for picking a good item out. (Y)
Black rucksack - Primark |
This is my current favourite bag atm! Btw sorry about the picture as it's quite blurry, I wanted the focus to be on the bag which as you can see I am pointing to happily. :) It's a black leather look rucksack and it's mahooooosive which is why I love it so much! It was only £9 which is a bargain! Ofc the quality isn't all that but it does it's job as a bag and it's serving me well! I take it with me to work since it fits everything I need plus my lunch. Haha xD
My Dogtag chain that I BOUGHT MYSELF from Topman. (Sorry, have to let some people know that it is mine)
// My IDENTITY rose gold watch from Argos. Yeah.. you can tell that I want a Michael Kors watch! £££ |
These kickass Nike creps that belong to my little brother.. haha xD - SCHUH |
As you probably can tell from this post alone, I like to steal a lot of the pieces I wear from my family members! xD & it's not because I don't have enough clothes; I actually have
TOO MUCH really. ><" But you know that feeling you get when you look at your wardrobe and just think to yourself..
'I have NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to wear! -.-' Yeah, I get that almost every single day. So, to solve my every day fashion problems... I steal other peoples clothes! Yup that's right.. oh wait wait, by 'other peoples clothes' I meant just my family/friends & not strangers ofc, because that'll be super weird. Haha xD. I would advise you all to ask beforehand if you do plan on pinching your mums or your bfs shirt, but hey, what's the fun in that? xD
YOLO# (it had to be said.)
Hope you enjoyed this post. I'll see you guys in my next one! :) xxxx